Allergies, sinusitis, chronic sinus infecitons… Living a modern life isn’t easy with all this air pollution, so you need an air purifier. But is it a little over the top to go straight to a HEPA air purifier? Let’s talk about these high-end, high-efficiency purifiers and whether you actually need one.
What are HEPA Filters
HEPA stands for “high-efficiency particulate airfilter.” After the Covid-19 pandemic, the name alone is enough for everyone to jump on the wagon.
So, what are HEPA filters?
Compared to regular filters, HEPA filters have tighter mesh to capture more and smaller particles. In the beginning, these are used in nuclear plants to prevent particles in the air from becoming radioactive.
As time went by, HEPA was used by many industrial and healthcare sectors. In the 1960s, people started incorporating them into vacuum cleaners, AC filters, and other appliances.

Benefits of HEPA Filters
Simply put, air purifiers using a HEPA filter have a stronger filtration power than those without. Theoretically, a HEPA filter can remove 99.97% of pollutants from the air, as long as these particles are larger than 0.3 microns in diameter.
This is why many doctors recommend using HEPA air purifiers for allergies at home. Most allergents, such as pollens, pet hair, and dust particles, are far larger than the 0.3-micron baseline.
Furthermore, it also helps prevent airborne diseases. For example, the Covid-19 virus diameter is between 3 to 5 microns, and most particles carrying flu viruses are about 4 microns.
Problems with HEPA Filters
You probably already guessed. Microparticles smaller than 0.3 microns can escape through HEPA filters. For example,
- Chemicals known as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), a leading cause of cancer, cannot be captured by HEPA filters because they’re too small. But VOCs are everywhere in our home because they come from our furniture and many cleaning products we use.
- Viruses smaller than 0.3 microns will not be captured.
Meanwhile, while mold spores and most bacteria can be captured, they stay alive on the filter. In many cases, they grow on the filter and pollute your air even more. Yucks, right?
Do You Need a HEPA Air Purifier?
So, is an air purifier with HEPA filters really what you need?
To answer this question, first, ask yourself: why do you need an air purifier?
If you want something that will save you from severe allergies, then a HEPA air purifier would be a wise choice since it can remove most indoor allergens from the air.
Also, HEPA filters work the best in larger areas. Therefore, if you only want an air purifier for a small bedroom or studio, HEPA filters might be overkill.

Find the HEPA Air Purifier You Need
We get it. The shortcomings of HEPA filters probably really hit you hard. That’s okay, though, because there are other solutions.
Sure, you can opt for air purifiers that cost you over a thousand dollars. On the other hand, maybe you’re just buying peace of mind.
Or, you can check out our new-age HEPA air purifier that does work with VOCs and other chemicals. These magical devices use a unique three-layer HEPA filter made with a pre-filtration layer, the actual H13 HEPA filter, and a carbon filter.
Just so you know we aren’t exaggerating: Our IBUKI air purifiers come with a PM 2.5 air quality sensor that tells you what’s in your air!