How to treat plantar fasciitis

If you’re suffering from chronic heel pain, chances are the culprit is plantar fasciitis (PLAN-ter fash-ee-EYE-tus).

What is it?

First, get to know your fascia — a part of your body few of us often think about!

That’s a band of tissue that connects your toes to your heel bone along the bottom of your foot. It supports the muscles and arch of your foot.

When your fascia is overly stretched, it might get tiny tears in its surface, which leads to inflammation—also known as plantar fasciitis.

What does it feel like?

Plantar fasciitis most commonly feels like a stabbing, shooting pain in the bottom of your foot near your heel.  The pain tends to be most intense when you take your first steps in the morning, and it tends to recede from there. But if you spend long periods of time on your feet, it’s likely to flare up again.

FYI: the odds of plantar fasciitis grow higher if you frequently run, are overweight, or spend most of the day on your feet.

What causes it?

You also may be prone to plantar fasciitis if you frequently run, are overweight or obese, or spend long stretches of the day on your feet, you may be at risk of plantar fasciitis.

Your risk of the condition increases if you:

  • Walk with an awkward posture
  • Wear high heels
  • Wear worn-out shoes
  • Have flat feet or fallen arches
  • Are female
  • Are 40 to 60 years old

How do you treat it?

Here are three effective home foot pain remedies for plantar fasciitis:

Use a tennis ball

Many plantar fasciitis sufferers find relief from rolling their foot and heel around on a tennis ball. This can help loosen up your fascia, promoting blood flow to the area and making it less likely to become irritated.

Try an ice massage

If a tennis ball doesn’t work, freeze a water bottle and roll it under your foot for 10 minutes at the end of a day. While this may be a less comfortable strategy, ice is well-known to ease inflammation.

Stretch those calves

Stand facing against a wall and slide one leg back, pressing your heel to the ground. Hold it for 30 seconds, then bend your knees until a higher portion of your leg feels the stretch. Repeat three times with each leg.

How to Use a Foot Massager For Plantar Fasciitis

If those don’t work, MIKO’s Yoisho, Y2, and Mas II massagers offer the pain relief of an expensive foot massage.

Don’t risk it when you’re in pain, though. Ask your doctor for advice on whether you might need physical therapy or any other form of treatment.

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